Thursday, October 23, 2014

Just a short little thought this evening (which actually means, a long thought that is shorter than my usual long thoughts).
This whole new baby thing is becoming quite the faith tester.
Wanted one for so long now that (well, only a year and a couple months) that it seems like forever.
Another month has gone by, still no new little one in the picture at all. 
I sometimes wonder if I should give up?
I still know God is the ultimate opener and closer of the womb. 
I have been reminded, it seems like, over and over of the story of Noah, and God's promises lately, and the story of Abraham and Sarai. 
It seems every time I turn around I see another rainbow, in some form of fashion, whether it be one in the sky, or the reflection off someone's cd in their car (yes, really). I guess now I really look for them, though, since they mean hope to me. Seems like in my life they are the one thing God has used to really remind me of his hope. Every time I've been praying fervently over something in my life, it seems they pop up. Or, if I'm down? They pop up. Or, if I am even just pondering the Lord - it's like it's his little reminder to me, personally, that He still is on the throne, and still loves me (which makes me cry!). 
So it's not a surprise to me that I have been reminded of the story of Noah often (seriously, it's the one the kids want to read ALL the time now, when given the choice between bible stories, and this year, B has always requested the song, "Noah built a boat," over and over!). The Noah movie came out this year, and we went to see it (terrible rendition, but - nonetheless, it was the "Noah" story). And just recently we have been watching a YouTube video all about the actual story of Noah.  
Which brings me to my point.
If and when we ever do get pregnant again, I want his or her name to be one from the Noah story.
I have thought about this a lot.
And of course, run it by just laughs at me. We're not even pregnant and I'm thinking seriously about names! Okay, so I'm a planner...
I love the Noah story, and even more so these days than ever. 
It is about hope, and God's promises. 
He LOVES his people.
Tonight, after taking a pregnancy test, and of course getting a negative, I was watching a YouTube video of people worshiping God at a Kari Jobe concert. There were SO many people there, and God loves EVERY one of them.
He created each one, he knows the number of hairs on EACH of their heads. They are each, individually, SO important to him. 
And they were all worshiping him. What joy that must give him to see all these people, the people he pictured from the beginning of time, when he chose to save Noah and his family and not give up on us. And think of how much the earth has been populated since then. So many Christians exist today that would not exist if he had decided to just give up and not give us another chance. 
Why would he not want one more? Why? 
He LOVES people.
So much.
So all that to say, I think that, when Jesus decides it's time, and he does bless us with another sweet one that HE designs and delights in, then I will name them from the story of Noah.
Because this next baby will be my sign from the Lord about HOPE. And that ALL of God's promises are YES and AMEN. 
What a precious promise fulfilled that baby will be. 

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