I write this blog post as my husband is behind me snoring (a bit, not a lot - sorry hunny!;) and my two beautiful blessings are sound asleep in their beds, hopefully having wonderful dreams. :)
This is when I get to write...the "happy" hour between when the kids go to bed and I go to bed! :)
I have been meaning to write a post on the other "goings on" of our lives, besides the hustle and bustle of every day life and the pictures I get to take daily of our adventures. ;)
More about our spiritual journey.
And it has been good - God is doing great things! I will start with the kids...
In our family, our normal routine with the kiddos is to take them to church on Sundays, and to Bible Club on Thursday mornings. Bible Club is like a Sunday School for kids in the park, and they really love it. The last couple years have been more sporadic though, because of Brookelynn's birth!
I was taking Kaleb every week to Bible Club before she was born, but after she was born, it became a bit harder. Then, Kaleb's two's hit, and wow...it was hard to tote a one year old on my hip and get a very, very strong willed two year old to sit still for more than two seconds. ;) In my heart of hearts, I always believe Kaleb is going to be like the Caleb in the bible (which is one of the reasons we chose his name, of course) ~ to stand alone for God and his beliefs, against all odds and everyone else's opinion. Our Kaleb will live up to that, and I pray always that he will stand up for what he believes. So far, his personality proves that he will.
Anyway, all that to say, we haven't gone to Bible Club as much the last couple of years, but this year, K's third year, has proved to be a LOT easier in the toting two kids around department. I am SO grateful for that! There is magic in the number three. ;) He still throws tantrums, but they are much easier, and more controllable now, thankfully!
So, we have enjoyed our Thursday Bible Club, and our Sundays at church.
And, while we're still on the subject of kids - I know I've mentioned that I love our church, but I just find more and more reasons why as we continue to attend there. They wave flags during worship, and our kids are going to do it too soon!
I am so excited, because we just purchased a couple of small, kids flags for B and K! Sometimes we keep the kids in the service during church, and other times we don't. But when we do, I look forward to letting them wave their flags and dance for Jesus during the praise and worship time!
And, during their Sunday School, they have a praise and worship session, as well. I believe they have flags in there too, along with some tambourines and other instruments for them to play during their "praise and worship sessions". :)
They also pray together, and the teachers brag to us afterward when we pick them up that Brookelynn is their little "prayer warrior". (Okay, yes, mom brag moment.:)
And, Kaleb has started talking more and more about Jesus without my talking about him first, which of course, just brightens my day. There is nothing like hearing your children talking about Jesus. Nothing!
We also say our memory verses before we go to bed, and sometimes read the bible together, and we always pray, of course.
I must admit that the bible reading part is where we are lacking. We need to get on top of that. K has several children's bibles, and I need to find one he really likes. We tend to sometimes let our regular bedtime story get in the way. :)
We also pray of course, before we eat, but sometimes I forget, after I have been back and forth from the table to the counter in the kitchen, back to the table, back to the kitchen ten times. Then I sit down and just breathe. Ha!
But we do pray before dinner, most of the time! Usually we let one of the kids do it, or we will do it and have them repeat after us.
Onto "us".
I am so excited for where the Lord is leading our family in our spiritual journey together.
Both Justin and I love music, and we've been able to lead worship at our church together for the first time since we've been together. It is SUCH a joy. I would recommend it for all couples!
But anyway, we lead every first Sunday of the month most of the time, even if Justin's on nights. I must admit, that gets a bit challenging for all of us, but we still manage to make it work. I LOVE that I have a husband with a heart to do that. What a sweet man he is! He literally comes home after working the 12 hour nightshift, gets about an hour of sleep, then gets up again to lead worship at church, then comes home and gets about four hours of sleep before going back for another 12 hours. I am in awe. We will continue to do this as long as we are able and the church lets us. It is truly humbling to be able to lead a church in worship of the Most High. Cannot even describe that. And to get to do it with my husband by my side is only just a dream come true for me. :) Jesus is amazing.
We have also been asked to lead worship at a couples retreat in New Mexico in October. We are honored and thrilled to be able to help out!
I am also going to help out at a teen girls retreat in August, which is also an extreme honor. I cannot wait. I hope that lives are touched and girls are saved, transformed, and healed, in the precious name of Jesus.
That is just the best way to describe the way I feel about the goings on of our spiritual journey right now. The Lord, for some reason, has chosen to bless us and for that I am eternally grateful. I can only bow my head and say thank you.
That's how we are doing. Just a bunch of Jesus-lovin folk that like to sing a bit. :) Oh - and play the piano and guitar. Justin practices his guitar a bit more than I practice piano, though. It's just hard to do when you've got two kiddos running circles around you! I would like to, though, in the future, and I plan to soon, get some tambourines for them to play while we play our instruments. Then, we can have a family worship session at home. :)
Just a bit of our journey. More to share later on how the trips go, and, all the other beautiful things God is teaching us, and doing in our lives. One thing is for sure - that is that this God-lovin life is never dull or boring, huh? ;)